Your first visit to the clinic will last approximately 45 minutes. Please note that sometimes we are running late. Medicine is an unpredictable practice and there are times where we can not predict how long a visit will be. We do apologize if we are late and know your time is valuable.
At this initial visit you will meet with Dr. Zentner, Dr. Kler or Dr. Bittman and their team . The goal of this visit is to welcome you to the clinic and to hear your story. Things we may discuss include:
How long have you carried extra weight and when did you develop Obesity?
What factors are contributing to your disease?
What other medical problems do you have associated with your obesity?
How does this disease impact your life?
What other treatments have you tried in the past?
What does your life look like? How can we help treat your disease?
The goal of this visit is for us to get to know you, your medical history and for us to begin to formulate a treatment plan.
We will approach your treatment as we would any other disease with the idea of:
Taking a history
Doing a physical exam
Discussing behaviour changes, nutrition and exercise
Talking about the possibility of medications
Discussing the option of surgery
Ultimately the treatment choices are YOURS. You are the expert in your life- we are the experts in your disease. This is a partnership where we provide you with the right information to help you make the right treatment decisions.
Follow up visit will last about 15 minutes. Again, we are sorry if sometimes we are running late. Medicine is an unpredictable practice and there are times where we can not anticipate how long a visit will be. Sometimes some people need a little extra time. We do apologize if we are late and know your time is valuable.
A follow up visit is just like any other doctor’s visit. We focus on:
How is the treatment going?
What concerns do you have
What’s working? What is not?
What goals, actions, information would you like to focus on between this visit and next?
We aim to follow patients every month or less frequently if you would prefer.
This treatment is not for everyone. Our goal is to provide you with the best and most appropriate therapeutic experience possible to help you manage your disease and live a healthier life.